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An average healthy adult takes 12 to 16 breaths per minute. That's between 17,00-23,000 breaths each day. Unlike a dirty glass of water or spoiled food, polluted air often goes unnoticed, but it can have both short term and long term negative effects on health and wellbeing. This is why air pollution is considered one of the greatest killers of our generation.


More specifically, the indoor air pollution of our environments is among the top five environmental health risks across the globe. This is due to pollen and other allergens that infiltrate the home environment, as well as toxins and pathogens, which are emitted from materials and furnishings.



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Humans are mostly made of water - in fact, water makes up more than 50% of an adult's body weight. While we often take for granted the water we drink everyday, microscopic contaminants and additives such as chlorine can still be present. This affects the taste, the odor and the hardness of water.

In addition the  Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, the environmental levels of Lead have increased more than 1000-fold over the last three centuries, due almost exclusively to human activities. Lead  exposure is damaging to virtually every organ and system in the human body, particularly damaging the brain and central nervous system—profoundly so for young children and developing fetuses. Lead exposure is correlated with decreased IQ and delayed learning in children.



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Light has a powerful effect on our bodies from our moods, energy levels and alertness; to our sleep quality and cognitive function. As humans, we evolve with the natural light rhythm of the sun. These regular cycles of light and dark are critical to our health and well-being. 


Today, we spend much of our time indoors with insufficient lighting or prolonged exposure to artificial light. This can have a profound impact on our visual, physical and mental health

Sleep has evolved around the daily cycle of light and dark, but our society's bright artificial lights at night time can make it difficult to get the darkness you body needs to get sleepy, to go to sleep and to stay asleep. Exposure to bright blue light at night during night sleep time- even in small quantities - can have dramatic impacts on your circadian rhythm and quality of sleep.



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